Monday, November 27, 2006

Let's Fire Mal Moore

Upon waking up to a text message from a friend, I learned that Shula was fired. Ok only half surprised, really...but come we REALLY think that Shula is the problem...ok maybe part of the problem but he is not THE problem. If I'm Dr. Whitt and the board of trustees I'm asking "Why did we just give this guy a raise last season and a contract extention so that we are forced to give him 4+ million to tell him to NOT work?" "Why did we not bring in Croom?" "Why have we had so many coaches in the past 5-6 years, or even why so many since the 80's after Coach Brant left?"

I say let's fire Mal Moore and get a director in here who can actually find a "good coach" Whether or not Shula was I'm not going to begin to argue..there were definatly things that he did on the field that I didn't like, but I have been coming to like him more and believe that with a little more experienced players (next year) he could have a really good team. Ok so we lost Auburn 5 straight, we lost to Miss State which should have been a run-over...but COME ON, GIVE A GUY A FREAKIN CHANCE. My opinion, he needed another year, at least, to show us what he's made of.
Not that I have any sympathy for Shula...he gets 4.something mil to NOT WORK...invest that and you never have to work again for the rest of your life, or get a house on the beach and live the good life, one.

I Mal's going to find someone ELSE who wants the pressure of having to create a winning team in thier first 4 years NEVER lose to Auburn or State and well...maybe still get fired if the fans get pissed off enough because they apparently are holding Mal's balls in their hands....

So now the University of Alabama is begging me, a graduate, for money and they are just going to blow that on paying someone to peace out...WHAT?!?! you'll be lucky if I ever give you another DIME...this is rediculous

that is all

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Huntsville Bus Accident, our 9/11

WOW the past two days now that I have a moment to think...I've seen 33/40 and Fox 6 from B-ham I've seen Fox News, HDNet, AP, ABC, and CBS Network folks...all over this bus accident.
CNN and ABC Network has taken more than a few of Justin/My stuff, both raw and edited...I know that CNN was taking our live feed for a while Monday morning/'s been CRAZY

So, Justin called me "early" pre 11am on Monday, before I could get my workout in, and said turn on the TV. My jaw dropped - a bus fell (or was pushed or whatever) off the ramp from I565 to the Parkway (US 231/431)'s elevated (much like the interstate in downtown B-ham) about 30 feet above the groud the bus was a MESS, 4 kids is the current total deaths with 20+ hospitalized still.

We had a crew at the accident already so we went to the hospital..and the emotion that was there, MY. The organized chaos...the officials and the hospital did an amazing job in handling this disaster

You alway see the 9/11-esque incidents on tv and the wall-to-wall coverage but this was the first time I've been a PART of that coverage of a non-weather realated was, interesting to say the least..and today follow-up.

It wasn't until I got off yesterday (after 12 hours of coverage) that I realized...that was me only 5 years ago riding that bus...that's my brother on that bus going to tech finally fully hit me.

There are still many questions that the NTSB are looking into, not quite sure when we will get them this is for sure...Monday November 20th 2006 was a dark day in Huntsville.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

"It's Better Than HD"

Lots to update: Iron Bowl, 2 murders this Sunday and well one happened...well

So I got to go to Tuscaloosa for work!! I left LATE Fri (after I got back from Decatur from Friday Night Football) Then the game. I was walking onto the field with Ben, news director, and Stacy, Decatur photog, and they were talking about the atmosphere, the smell, the sounds, how the field looked "Better than HD!!"

I was stuck babysitting Auburn but b/c of it I got a GREAT shot of an Auburn reciever diving to catch the ball in the endzone...needless to say I was cursing that they scored while I continued to follow him to the ground..but hey that's part of the job. I apparently made network on that shot...rather (dan?), CBS was showing it from an angle where you can see me shooting it :)
Then in post, Tommy gave a very good winner's speech..he did get tounge tied trying to say grab the bull by the horns and said something to the effect of "he took the bull under his horns...or he took the horns *pause* he took the ball under his arm!! Heck I'm allowed to say anything I want to, I just won 5 straight!!" That was pretty funny..even if I'm a Bama fan.

Then hung out with some friends..Brock and Nix...both of whom I have links to thier talk mostly but catching up a little and just all around good fun after a hard day.

Went to Florence today for a murder...this guy was robbing a boat house and owner came out and started shooting and got shot himself and died...police were withing seconds from the scene when the shots were fired so able to get the suspect.

aparently while we were there, there was a murder in the 3-4th since I moved here in May...less than one a month. Well anyway I was watching a competing station now since I've gone home (they both went on late) and saw one talking about my apartment complpex...saw VIDEO of my apartment complex and a van that has a dog painted on it (for invisible fences) that sits right out back of apparently this wife shot her man who later died at the so close to home...I feel stupid for not having the story espcially happening out by back balcony, but that the price we paid for having our only crew in Florence when that happened at 1:30-ish.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

FCC License Correction

So I've since found out that the info I had for WAAY 31's FCC license approval for Calkin Media to buy from our current owners was not entirly correct...Jan 5th was the tentitive date that they were hoping to have things done by closing and all....the FCC came through about 10 days early...I've still yet to read or find the part in the contract but apparently there is a 30 day cool down period where both parties (Piedmont and Huntsville Broadcasting a subsidiary of Calkin Media) make sure that this is what they want then a week and 1/2 span of when they must close and control is taken.

I you want to see for yourself all the details here is the FCC weblink

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Week Happenings

first YEAH!!!! We the FCC license went through and Calkin will take us over. Apparently in the contract it states that Huntsville Broadcasting will take control the 5th of the next month after the FCC that would mean Dec 5th?!!? We'll see what happens

There is High School Football tonight, once again with Nick and Wayne

Then Iron Bowl the Sat!!! I will be there working!! :) SOO excited about that..and dinner is on so I better go check on that.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend Review

Friday - Football 1st week of playoffs. Most of the teams in playoffs in North Alabama are over Florence, I got Colbert County and Florence High. I'd already talked Wayne into coming along so that I could edit in the car between games....Friday I found out that Nick Banazack (our newest reporter) was coming along turned out great we met up with Stacy and LB at the bureau...on the way out I scared the mess out of LH :) she said that now she ows me one!

All the way home it was us guys just goofing off :) fun time!

Satureday - not a whole lot...Bama game....offence showed up 1st half...but as I expected LSU got the better of us....hmmm...well it looks like I may be going to the Iron work it...we'll see what comes about but that would be very cool!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post-Electioin Fall-Out

so found this on the drudge report

Latest Numbers: Primetime election night...
ABC 9,670,000
NBC 7,000,000
CBS 6,310,000
FOXNEWS 3,050,000
CNN 2,963,000
MSNBC 1,926,000

Go Charlie "Charles" now that he's in Prime Time :)
that's awesome! The first election coverage since the anchor shake-up and ABC takes it, by a nice margin too. This could mean that ABC starts to overtake NBC in the evening/world news.

Election OVER!!! Other overdue updates

Well, it was actually smooth and fairly problem free...we had my tire curse....a pre coverage conspiracy...I had two news cars (my news car flats come in 2's, I've discovered as that's what happened that last time I had a flat in a news Tuscaloosa). So I left my apartment finding a nail in my tire...Justin came down to help me out in unit 10....I didn't have a tire iron in my car. So on the way HIS tire found a I claim credit for that one too.

Anyway we got the tires fixed and did our coverage of the Madison County Sheriff race...or as I called it the "Mad. Sheriff" :)
I've been being bad about updating...Had fun Halloween night after Friday Night Football (which was special spooky!) Anyway I was Fudge-ums :) It was great, everyone loved it. There was a weather people party from UAH that I checked out with Wanye and then headed over to a news party...a couple of us from 31, some 19ers and several was great, I think we all had fun!
New Reporter
So Nick is here and helping out greatly. I was sceptical the first..coming from Mississippi..two years of exp. but not live...well he hit the ground running, doing some spot news on a derailed train the frist day of work...his first live shot left me a little to be desired but after watching his election coverage last night, I think a lot of that was probably just first time jitters...he was solid and knowlegdable election a viewer I'd never have known that he just moved to town

good stuff...everyone says he looks like a little..ok well on to work: post election coverage