Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Long day to make up for yesterday

I got in about 10:30AM, after picking up Craig from his place. Went right over to Decatur to meet the Bob Riley Bus..which was late due to transmittion crapping out so they made thier way in the smaller one. We, Craig and I, were the only media that rode to Huntsville with him. Colby, assignment manager, rode with us to take the car back.

It was fun realized while on the bus that it was lunch time...hunger

Riley is a good down to earth guy. We talked about war movies, and don't even remember what else now after the official interview. Violet picked us up at the space and rocket center after that speech there.

Got back and Craig gave me the script for the package and I thought, uh oh. MY GOODNESS it was intense editing that. It took me an hour and 15 and that was being quick. GREAT story though, didn't see the other coverage but I'm sure we knocked it out of he park (HNT I never did see a crew from, AFF was there at the rocket).

So once done with that, with Justin going down to Union Grove in Marshall County (about 5:30 now). the meeting about the halfway house for meth addicts (they were opposing it in that area not it in general, they even came up with another plan...see here)
By about 8:30 we're getting back into town (stopped to get my second meal of the day...yes I was HUNGRY by that point!)
He writes and lays down a voice track for me by 9:20 and I'm editing until 9:55 and then run out to the "weather deck" to finish setting up his live shot, which he's mostly taken care of, thanks Justin!

So a long day full of news (I know Jason had a bunch of weather stuff, minor flooding and whatnots to get)! It makes the time go faster when I'm out getting stuff as opposed to sitting at the station all day.


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