That's Rich
One question, why did you let it get this bad?!?
Off of Yahoo from AP: "BP Says Oil Production May Be Closed for Months As It Works to Replace 16 Miles of Pipeline"
NICE, maybe THIS is why the colonies couldn't stand the British rule :)
Thank you for costing us MORE money oil compnies
Now off of my soapbox of the day
Today was chilling at first, then a trip to Guntersville (SUCH a beautiful place, I could see myself living there one day). The police dept. was giving out two purple hearts (btw not near as good lookin as the US purple hearts for the military).
I digress. This one officer got shot during a routine traffic stop when he realized the guy in the back had a warrent out for arrest.
The other given out was a retired officer who was paralized many years ago and one of his friends described it as "13 years too late."
I could see that I might be not so happy to recieve it 13 years AFTER I was paralized by the bullet...
Actually, gas prices are finally going down around here... I don't think the BP thing will affect most of us...however, on the west coast...look out! ;)
yeah, I've noticed that they have started to look just a little better maybe a good sign? Someone said something about the terror attemps on planes got people scared to fly = less jet fuel being used...I don't know the validity of that..either way 2.79 is looking good (never thought I'd say that)
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