Friday, October 27, 2006


So last Saturday I went to my first hockey was neat. I had to learn some things...very soccerish only maybe even faster paced! A little nippy wearing shorts, my own fault.

they played a song between periods while the Zamboni driver did his thing...augh...can't find it to post...a great song though

Can the News be Slower

don't get me wrong, was just talking to mom about how I LOVE living in the drama free city of Huntsville...but oh how I hate being in news here...just glad that I'm not the one that has to think up story ideas ;)

so we went to decatur and played with our friends LB star reporter and Stacey THE photog :)
we played nice...they went live Justin and I did taped...look lived it, on another rousing news day in wait there wasn't enough news IN Huntsville so we has to go to the Bureau!!

In fact Wed Justin and I were laughing about them finding John Mark Carr at a Wal-Mart and updating Lucky the dog...we said we sould start a franchise on both....and this weeks "Where in Alabama in John Mark Carr, all around pshyco and liar?" (we decided that unless he has a little girl following him or unless he's crashing a girl scout meeting I DONT CARE!!!)
or in the week's "How will Lucky Cope?" we will be exploring how this canine eats with only 3 legs!!!

Anyway Decatur is a nice city too...we passed by the old train staiton (I think home to a few homeless folk?):

Decatur train station
Decatur train station
Decatur train station
Decatur train station
Decatur train station

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Slow News Week In Huntsville

ANOTHER slow news day (Wed) ...surprise, surprise! This week has been a rough one for having to come up with things.

Justin and I went to Meridianville to watch the WWII bombers land..I took the liberty of a few pictures:


Then it was a robot conference at the VBC...which was interesting...robot technology is BOOMING

Monday, October 23, 2006

33/40 Contamination, Illness, and Fall

I'll go in reverse order, HA!

So first off I'm late with this...all my other friends who blog have already written something similar..I've meant to by now...ow well here it is...Fall, my favorite time of year. My friend Orion starts to rear his head before midnight, signaling the peace of winter to come. Cool and better yet COLD nights, oh how peaceful!
Who am I kidding? I haven't seen a proper fall since I've moved to's like lalala summer lalala...BAM!! Winter HAHAHAHA.
I must admit that I AM enjoying the more colorful "fall" of 100 miles more was strange becasue all of a sudden I woke up one morning (after floweres were still blooming the day before) and half of the trees had changed makes for a pretty view of Monte Sano from a couple miles out and an even prettier drive up the mountain to work!

Now our Chief Meteorologist is fully healthy and our weekend guy is out with...the flu? And a production guy went home after the 5, Sunday sick..uh it comes. Glad I have a strong immune system...of course I say that and watch me come least I woudn't waste these few sick days I got this half year of working...not used to that...sick days?!?! wow I get PAID to stay in bed and get better?!?! that's a new one on this former only ever part-timer!

Stories of the day, I have to put these, right?
So we went to a walk for diabetes that raised 5K plus...come ON rich H'ville, you can do better than THAT...met a sweet diabetic girl

We stopped by Wal-Mart...there is this company that is recalling it's egg salad (as a precautionary measure b/c they think it might be contaminated with bacterium)...they sell to Wally World in 11? states including north alabama...and sure enough they were still on the I got my still camera and
egg salad went undercover :) did some covert opperations!

SO, earlier in the day ABC 33/40 had asked if we had anything on it and so I sent them my pic when we got back. Not sure if they used it..I figure so, not sure what pathfire had on it...apparently nothing since we used a fullscreen of that same shot for 5 and 10. Not ideal...quick so I wouldn't get yelled at..or thought that I was stealing a camera (had it in my pocket)...production guys who created the ESS zoomed in on the egg worked.

Ok late, lots to do tomorrow...tired....and eyes hurt...night

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Good ol fashon fun

So Wednesday's story was fun! We borrowed the silver bullet of the production vans...our "undercover vehicle." :)
We did our story on road rage...during rush hour we went out and got some GREAT was a fun story and it turned out real well, I was proud!

Today had some GREAT help from of the production guys (I continue to believe that I've never worked with a better group of people as a whole, top to bottom, who will help each other out and make working fun). Holcomb basically created the video for LB's package (if you can call it a was really just a voice track, nat break, and 3 voice tracks strung together)..and it turned out pretty nice...about this anti-Riley add that we, and at least one other station in AL are pulling due to false information that is included.

Side note about that...the committee that paid for it is headed by a Luther Pate of Northport, AL...Makes me wonder if it's a relation to Stan Pate (big property owner in Tuscaloosa-Birmingham area) who by the way happens to hate "Billion Dollar Bob." I hardly think that he has pure motives on that one...Stan seems like the type that is out to save his huge pocketbook some drain. A good guy to have on your side (I've never had any problems with him, from a news perspective anyway) but he'll find a way to sue the socks offa you and your family if he's got something against you.

Tonight is soooo foggy I can only see the lowest level of the red FAA lights on our tower...standing basically right under it!! wow, fog you can LITERALLY cut with a knife. I've never seen fog so thick...up on Monte Sano during this time of year is apparently the norm.

And now finishing up here at work.

Monday, October 16, 2006

DC Pic Update 3: Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials

I know, I'm stretching this out forEVER...

Lincoln Memorial, Corner View
Lincoln Memorial
Abe Himself
Abe Lincoln
Lincoln, Column Detail
Lincoln Mem, Detail

Jefferson Reflecting on Tidal Basin
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Wayne Reading Jefferson Quotation
Wayne Reading Jeff Quote

Friday, October 13, 2006

Now That's Fun TV

Its not like working one of my weekend days is a highlight of the week...BUT we can have some FUN!!!

So my games of the day...I went to Buckhorn, they hosted Huntsville High...who were getting beat when I left, honestly don't know the final.

Then went to Hazel Green who hosted Austin. This was my second time getting to see the Trojan's a hero theme and they do a nice job on the batman theme! Call me a band geek. It's funny to see the trickle down of high school taking elements and techniques from college (things that I did 2 years ago) which we inturn pulled from drum corp. Anyway...

So then I get back and edit my video. I'm going to help run studio camera. We have SO MUCH FUN!!! So it's Friday the 13th right? We have a second appearance by Alf (He debuted last week), and a debut by the scream character (who was chasing Alf around). It was loads of fun :)

Then at the very end of the show we turned Sharon into a ram's head (which is the studio mascot)...complete with her jacket, necklace, and mic! And she said goodnight with the still intact Wayne.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More news from the newsroom

A new reporter on his waay :) A liitle late on updating this but he's from Mississippi, (org. from Ohio) will start on Nov 3rd...Mikelyn's replacement, now that she has gone to the world of PR.

Our Chief Meterologist is in the hospital...sounds like he will be ok, they just have to keep him there for a bad infection, make sure it clears up.

Interesting news that I just found out...apparently WIAT went for 37 mil? :) that's mean we actualy sold for more than a B-ham station? We were at 41.6 if memory serves.

Anyway looking like new promos coming for the new morning show with TW Starr!! So will be looking foward to those...hmm

slow news day today...waiting on a candle light vigil that will be at, yeah

We DID get free Domino's pizza (an agreement) and free candy bars (from the news director) today though!! So happy Thursday everyone!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I still don't know

First last post got messed up..I said something about today or tonight...the post date wrong b/c I had to repost it just now...

So today had fun...waiting for our liveshot at 6 on UAH campus right next to the park, I was done and chilling so I climbed into a tree and chilled in the tree! It made me feel like I was a kid again.

Then we did weather deck for the 10, and I really missed being in production...It makes me still not know which I'd rather do or production. It makes me wonder wether I should've gone for one of my other job offers, a production offer...
I am glad to be here at this station. All places of employment haver thier own problems and the ones here are ones that I can live with...and those will actually change here in the next few months once Huntsville Broadcasting takes over...I'm looking foward to that!!

it's late Im tired..why am I still up again...running in the AM

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yes I'm a crazy news person

Well I am in the ATL after a flat...stomach is blah but looking foward to the conference tomorrow...

Watching the replay of the 11PM ATL news...Channel 2 ABC...not impressed, honestly. Not sure what end of the ratings spectrum this station falls on but not impressed..seen it before at Dad's in Kathleen (south of Macon) and thought the same...First thier stories are all ones that are...not ones they have to make and enterprise...its scary guy offering candy to kids at the bus stop, update on murder yesterday, update on some other crazy. A guy caught and charged with Jane Doe's murder last whenever ago. A man hunt in a small town...etc Which is all interesting and I suppose effect someone...
honestly I like the way we do at 31...we get the info out that you need to know in the area, but there are enterprised stories...ones that give you economical, political, and oher aspects...not just a crime blotter...that makes me sad seeing a crime blotter at the end of a hard day. I have too much crap in my life, give me some news that actaully affects me (witch thier B-D blocks did...I just dont care for the blotter style news..especially in A-block) Maybe that's just me.

One thing I noticed was no double boxes to and from reporters..I guess to much to pack need for chit chat...shave time off instead of pack a'thing and the kitchen sink in.

I know its sad...when you're sucked into the new world..when you have that disease ou watch it in whatever market you are in to see what they are doing.

Ok need my bed.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

News from the Newsroom

Just got back from Guntersville...and new news

So it looks like we have a new reporter and 10pm producer prospect..the sports director position has been narrowed to 3 candidates...The News Director's specting to be back up to staff in a month or so dendending on how those interviews go.