Friday, October 13, 2006

Now That's Fun TV

Its not like working one of my weekend days is a highlight of the week...BUT we can have some FUN!!!

So my games of the day...I went to Buckhorn, they hosted Huntsville High...who were getting beat when I left, honestly don't know the final.

Then went to Hazel Green who hosted Austin. This was my second time getting to see the Trojan's a hero theme and they do a nice job on the batman theme! Call me a band geek. It's funny to see the trickle down of high school taking elements and techniques from college (things that I did 2 years ago) which we inturn pulled from drum corp. Anyway...

So then I get back and edit my video. I'm going to help run studio camera. We have SO MUCH FUN!!! So it's Friday the 13th right? We have a second appearance by Alf (He debuted last week), and a debut by the scream character (who was chasing Alf around). It was loads of fun :)

Then at the very end of the show we turned Sharon into a ram's head (which is the studio mascot)...complete with her jacket, necklace, and mic! And she said goodnight with the still intact Wayne.


At 10/15/2006 9:35 PM, Blogger Nixie The Nazi said...

Alf was in your studio??? Are ya'll on drugs or something up there??? ;)

At 10/17/2006 8:56 PM, Blogger Clayton said...

well me in a costume as Alf...yeah...pretty much drugs :)


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