Thursday, June 01, 2006

My first REAL dayside

I don't count that time that I rode with Riley...that was a shift extension

Mikelyn got an ok to work dayside so that she could leave out of town earlier, but she needed a photg, me! So I went in at about 9:30 in the am for a change..that after being out in Scottsboro last night with Live Star!

Ok so it went well. We were origionally going to go to Decatur for a follow-up type courthouse securtiy story with them, but the guys who say so (exec producer and assignment manager) said she's going to go back to Scottsboro to do a follow-up do people at the courthouse feel, have they implemented any new security, which they have NOT. The metal detectors are sitting in the basement (where they have sat since purchase, 6-8 years) b/c they don't have enough money to hire manpower to run them (though one lady said they have enough money to renovate the gazeebo and other such more frivolous projects as they see it, i tend to think that security would come first myself).
One thing that I did think about though, the Tuscaloosa County courthouse actually has noone watching the doors fulltime either, and there are three entrances as well. So if it's not implemented in a much bigger city...though they do at least have scanning before the courtrooms.

And after I edited that story, we put together what we shot yesterday for the new defense law...we already had an interview and I basically just pulled file of guns and houses. Not the best looking thing, but at least we didn't leave Amber (the 10pm producer) totally hanging.

I think I did my editing on both at right at 40 minutes each (including looking up file), so I suppose that means that I'm getting back in my groove.

I still don't know what to do with the rest of my time today...this is wierd, I think I do actually like nightside better..I don't really have anything to come home to, I can actually take care of business in the morning. Also for the most part there is a little more downtime at night. There's only one show to really work on, the 10, and usually doing something small for the 5 or 6. In the morning its go, get back and edit like crazy for the 4, 5, and 6.


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