Friday, June 02, 2006

Clouds from the Rain Today

When it started raining heavy today, I checked things on my back porch and this just struck me...

Here is a shot that I took at 3 in the afternoon with the clouds all rolled in...behind the clouds is Monte Sano...

So about 4 hours later the clouds are somewhat moving out and I took these...

L-R the towers are (big red/white) WHNT's main tower; (white speck at bottom of that, their weather radar; (white speck about 1/2 in the middle) our Doppler radar tower; (big red) WAAY's main tower.
There is actually a smaller red/white HNT tower that you can't see in this reduced size version about 2/3 the way to AAY's doppler and also
right next to our doppler another red tower; about 1/4 the way to our big tower is another small red/white tower

I don't really know what the smaller towers do. I know that next to the towers are satellite dishes that collect programming from the affiliates which the main towers send as a radio signals to antena TV's and cable/satellite providers. It also receives signals from liveshots (except ones from the satellite truck) as well as signals from the bureaus in Decatur, Guntersville and elsewhere where ever all the bureaus are or used to be.

I couldn't resist the close-up of the towers again. Especially after I had a dream last night that 48's main tower fell...not that I would want that, I have several friends that work there, but I think it came from a mixture of thinking about our reppeater tower falling near Scottsboro those 2 years ago and the other day a coworker talking about the Saturn V rocket being hollow, surprised that it hasn't fallen, and another saying that would be his dream liveshot, standing on a piece of the Saturn V shattered across the interstate! In my dream 48s tower fell across the interstate, which it isn't even near (it's on the other side of Monte Sano from HNT and AAYs towers).


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